"Knowing in part may make a fine tale, but wisdom comes from seeing the whole."

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sho-Sho Shambas

July 22, 2010
Today was another beautiful day - though the coolest so far in Maai Mahiu. We spent the majority of the day working in the Shamba (garden) with the Sho-shos (grandmothers). The grandmothers have partnered with CTC because their children died from AIDS. They are now the sole care-takers for their grand-children. Don't think of your grandmother though, because that's probably not the right image. Think of your mom - and that's probably closer to the physical appearance of these women. The average age of the grandmothers is 40-50, and they are physically indefatigable. They were delightful and patient with us as we fumbled to till the soil and plant the vegetables.

Rocky, the CTC manager of the gardens, has a beautiful sense of humor and honest passion for his work. I feel so fortunate to know him, Charles, the Sho-shos, the Community Health Workers (who showed us around the IDP camps), Muhammed (a resident we met yesterday from the IDP Camp), Dominique (the general manager at our hotel,) Paris (a young woman who works at the hotel). CTC is a family and I'm privileged to be a part of it.

Rocky & Charles
Paris & our dinner!

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