As his idea for social networking evolved and expanded into Facebook during the course of the movie, I struggled to understand the law suits and arguments of his former best friend and the twins. Was it pure jealousy? Was it greed for personal success? Intellectual capital and creativity is not something that can be quantified. Granted, we do that all the time with the seeming products that come from such creativity and intellectual labor. Have we lost sight of the actual value of creativity for creation's sake?
This narrative from this movie has been running through my mind for the past four days. I have the privilege of working with young people in many different capacities. One of my most joyful tasks is to stimulate their imaginations and spark their creativity. Without railing on our educational systems, suffice it to say it's something I think we all need to work to restore to the daily lives of our young people. Revolutionary ideas are certainly not confined to Ivory towers. I don't have a solution for the casualties of Zuckerburg's particular situation, which has since resolved itself. It does make me wonder what our society might look like if we valued collaboration and creativity more than the bottom line.